CASIS Website
Dijkstra (Utrecht) is Upson Visiting Prof
Professor of Dynamical Oceanography
Drew and Joe – 2nd place in AIChE posters at SF
2016 Annual Student Conference
ChunTi Chang (grpAlum) is professor at National Taiwan University
ChunTi Chang website
Micheal Graham (grpAlum) awarded APS/DFD Corrsin prize
2015 Stanley Corrsin Award Recipient
Joshua Bostwick (grpAlum) is Asst Professor at Clemson
Dr. Joshua Bostwick
A Conversation with Peter Harriott by Steen — Cornell Oral History
A Conversation with Peter Harriott
Stwart and Kayla’s Posters named in TECHCON Top 10
TECHCON 2015 Best in session winners
Chun-Ti’s Surface Evolver Tutorials I-IV
Surface Evolver Video tutorials
Steen & Bostwick ARFM Review paper
Stability of Constrained Capillary Surfaces